Description: Waist cinchers, slims your waist and enhances your figure vastly improving your silhouette. You will get excellent results when you wear it under dresses, work clothes and evening attire. This classic cotton and latex design by Ann Chery also helps to accelerate weight loss and to eliminate toxins through perspiration wicking.
Gently corrects posture -Made of High-compression Latex -Target Areas: Waist, Abdomen and Back -Double Positioning Hook and Eye for maximum Function -Lined with 100% Cotton Lycra -Control Level: Extra Control -Do not machine wash or dry
Descripción: Cinturilla de latex recubierta en algodon interior. Reduce 10 cm de cintura. Corrigue la postura. Pierda peso y medidas por sudaracion. Resalta el busto, Controla Cintura y abdomen. Doble posicion de ganchos para mayor funsion. Extra control. Color piel. Muchas mujeres lo usan diaramente para tonificar y reducir cm's de su cintura. No Lavar en Lavadora, no usar secadora.