Cincher Luxury Latex covered in cotton (waist cincher)
Cinturilla latex de lujo
Bras not included / Brasier no incluye
Product ID 4015 CLASICA
Description: Cincher Luxury Latex covered in cotton. Reduce 5 inches in waist. Corrects posture. Helps to lose weight through perspiration. If you want to define your waist, wear this waist cincher designed to help you reduce up to 10cm (2.5 inches)
Light structure with flexible boning defines and accentuates the waistline comfortably. Thermal waistbands offers greater compression eliminating stored fat on the lower back and tummy area. Firm abdominal support accelerates recovery from C-sections, post partum. It also facilitates the breastfeeding period - Do not machine wash or dry
Descripción: Cinturilla de latex recubierta en algodon y lujoso Textil. Reduc 10 cm de cintura. Corrigue la postura. Pierda peso y medidas por sudaracion. Resalta el busto, Controla Cintura y abdomen. Tres posicion de ganchos para mayor funsion. Extra control. NO Lavar en Lavadora. NO usar secadora. Color piel. Muchas mujeres lo usan diaramente para tonificar y reducir cm's de su cintura. Cinturilla recomenda para despues del Parto.